I found Kent Sextons Twin!

I found Kent Sextons Twin!

Look at this little girl!

Look at this little girl!

Oh the Andes!

Oh the Andes!

The Inca and his wife

The Inca and his wife

Bryan and Mr. Alpaca

Bryan and Mr. Alpaca

The Incan Ruins at Pisac

The Incan Ruins at Pisac
...when the land is to steep for farming... build terraces!

The Top of Pisac

The Top of Pisac

The Inca Ruins an Ollantaytambo

The Inca Ruins an Ollantaytambo



Are you at the right blog?

This Blog is about Bryan's continuing journey in Nicaragua and in Peru...

If you are looking for the other blog (for the previous month) where ASHLEY, COURTNEY, KATIE, CODY and I volunteered and traveled... the URL has changed to  

I am currently in El Crucero, Nicaragua serving at the New Hope Children's Foundation... and I will be heading to Peru in two weeks to wrap up my two month summer adventure...

Monday, July 13, 2009

13 Degrees Below the Equator... 11,000ft Above the Sea!

First of all… I am having SO much fun! I got into Lima last night and rented a hostel… I did however get some bad news as I checked my email. Due to unforeseen circumstances Ryan will not be able to join me…


I will miss him, And it seems that I must now embark on this adventure alone. Bryan and Peru…. HERE WE GO!

 I awoke this morning and decided to book a one hour flight to Cusco vs. taking a 20 hour bus ride. Speaking Spanish gets you a long way down here. On the English version of the website the round trip cost was $400… so I checked out the Spanish version and booked the flight for a total of $165… haha everyone’s trying to take advantage of unsuspecting gringos!


Plaza de Armas, Cusco

I boarded the plane around 2:00pm and was in Cusco by 3:15. We took off from sea level and landed at 11,000ft!!! This rapid altitude change results in altitude sickness for just about everyone… A lot of people have to stay in bed for three days… I did get a very bad headache, especially when I climbed for 20mintes to get to my hostel… but I am doing better now!

But as soon as I disembarked from the plane... I knew I was home... Seriously, I love the ocean... but my heart is in the mountains...Anyway...

 Cusco is BEAutiful! It sits in the middle of the andes in the Sacred Valley of the Incas! It is very cold (right now it is about 30F outside) and very beautiful, being full of Spanish colonial churches and Museums (not to mention the AMAZING mountainous backdrop)!

 I got a room in a very nice hostel ($8/night) and set off to book my trek. Once again… the trek would have cost $485 if I had booked it online, but I snagged it for $175 in Cusco. So Thursday I will be setting of on a 5 day adventure to Machu Picchu at 16,000 feet!


Tomorrow I will be touring the Sacred Valley on bus (10 hour trip) where I will get to see many Incan Ruins!

 Oh PS! I bought an Alpaca (cousin of the Llama) hide hat today… SO Indiana Jones!!!

 Its only 8pm right now, but I’m going to sleep! I am SO tired from traveling and (I think) even more worn down because of the altitude!

Haha actually, my head is starting to hurt rather significantly now...better take some more of my altitude pills (thanks mom!)

 Love you all!