I found Kent Sextons Twin!

I found Kent Sextons Twin!

Look at this little girl!

Look at this little girl!

Oh the Andes!

Oh the Andes!

The Inca and his wife

The Inca and his wife

Bryan and Mr. Alpaca

Bryan and Mr. Alpaca

The Incan Ruins at Pisac

The Incan Ruins at Pisac
...when the land is to steep for farming... build terraces!

The Top of Pisac

The Top of Pisac

The Inca Ruins an Ollantaytambo

The Inca Ruins an Ollantaytambo



Are you at the right blog?

This Blog is about Bryan's continuing journey in Nicaragua and in Peru...

If you are looking for the other blog (for the previous month) where ASHLEY, COURTNEY, KATIE, CODY and I volunteered and traveled... the URL has changed to  

I am currently in El Crucero, Nicaragua serving at the New Hope Children's Foundation... and I will be heading to Peru in two weeks to wrap up my two month summer adventure...

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Farewell Nicaragua and A Nicaraguan Wedding!

Well, my time here in Nicaragua is at a close. It has been an honor and a privilege to be in the company of such fine people, and I am forever different for what I have seen here. 
The past two weeks have been very different than much of my time here, because there has been no American teams. I have spent every minute with Nicaraguans and it has been awesome! I taught English to Carlos, Samantha and Paulina - I made grilled cheese sandwiches and milkshakes (very foreign to them) for Carlos, and I spent a lot of time painting with Noah. It was a pleasure to get to know these staff members... and I must admit that I am extremely proud of my spanish, which is FAR from perfect, but allows me to form relationships with these people!
I also spent quite a bit of time teaching the orphans English, and that was fun as well! I have know these kids for a year now, and have spent a total of three months with them (including last summer). I am excited for their futures!
It feels different leaving this time, because I feel that the chances I return next summer are slim (hopefully I will have an internship). But I leave with the feeling that I have done a good thing and have truly experienced a different culture and people, and have done a lot of good along the way. Praise God for this opportunity!

La Boda! (The Wedding!)
As many of you know, I hung around for two more weeks to go to my friend Moises' wedding. The wedding was today and it was So much fun! He married an American gal named Sara and it was awesome to see two cultures coming together for such a splendid union (ya, I just said that)!

It was awesome to hang out with Moises and Sarah a few times and to meet and spend time with her family from the states!

Oh and thank you for everyone who prayed for my back pain. I had a lot of pain for about 6 days, and I am doing better now!