I found Kent Sextons Twin!

I found Kent Sextons Twin!

Look at this little girl!

Look at this little girl!

Oh the Andes!

Oh the Andes!

The Inca and his wife

The Inca and his wife

Bryan and Mr. Alpaca

Bryan and Mr. Alpaca

The Incan Ruins at Pisac

The Incan Ruins at Pisac
...when the land is to steep for farming... build terraces!

The Top of Pisac

The Top of Pisac

The Inca Ruins an Ollantaytambo

The Inca Ruins an Ollantaytambo



Are you at the right blog?

This Blog is about Bryan's continuing journey in Nicaragua and in Peru...

If you are looking for the other blog (for the previous month) where ASHLEY, COURTNEY, KATIE, CODY and I volunteered and traveled... the URL has changed to  

I am currently in El Crucero, Nicaragua serving at the New Hope Children's Foundation... and I will be heading to Peru in two weeks to wrap up my two month summer adventure...

Thursday, July 2, 2009


It has been a pretty rad few days...

Well it started out rather sad... I had to say goodbye to Ashley, Courtney and Katie : (
So to alleviate my sadness on Monday I went and had dinner with my friend Moises and his Fiancee! It was a great time of reunion (we became great friends last year). And I am excited to go to their wedding  on the 11th.

What have I been up too? I have been rather busy teaching English for a few hours everyday to the children in the home, and for another hour or so to Carlos, Paulina and Samantha (all 20-somethings who work at New Hope). I have also been doing quite a bit of painting...

The children's home has a new addition! a Puppy named Bella! that has been fun!

In the evenings I have been making the children watch movies in English to improve their listening skills. Last night we watched Pirates of the Caribbean 2! They loved it!

On Wedneday I got THE BEST NEWS EVER! RYAN ADKINS will be going to Peru with me to complete the Santa Teresa Trek to Machu Picchu! Ryan is my most adventurous friend by far and this will be our fourth big adventure! Previous adventures include the summits of Humphrey's Peak and Mount Whitney.... backpacking in Nicaragua and Costa Rica.... and now this!!!!!!

On a slightly negative note... I really hurt my back today doing some work... Its been messed up since high school (thank you Pinnacle Basketball!)... so im not going to the Pastors conference tomorrow, because three hours in a car sounds like torture! But it will be nice to have some time to read and heal!

Other than that... I have had awesome time to work on my Spanish... since the Americans are gone....

Im going to go lay in my bed and read... I would love to hear from you on Skype though! Bbakerone

God bless!